Exciting news! For its energy consumption, Prairie Grove is ranked the greenest community in the United States! Read the announcement from President Underwood

Dear Neighbors,

Last year, the Prairie Grove Board of Trustees unanimously agreed to participate in a municipal energy aggregation program through NIMEC (Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative) for the Village’s energy needs.  The collaborative allows villages to choose where their energy comes from – selecting between traditional (coal, nuclear, etc.) and cost-effective, renewable or ‘green’ energy sources (solar, wind, etc.).  The Board felt that choosing green energy for our electricity needs reflected the value that our community places on the environment and our surroundings, making Prairie Grove an Environmental Protection Agency “Green Power Community.”

The EPA ranks Green Power Communities across the whole country, and I am extremely proud to announce that Prairie Grove just placed NUMBER ONE– the greenest community in the United States, measured by green power as a percent of total electricity use!  The rankings and additional information can be found on the EPA website:  https://www.epa.gov/greenpower/green-power-communities

I would like to thank our Village Administrator, Michael Freese and the Village Board for recognizing the importance of using renewable energy sources, their leadership in making decisions that have positive impact on our environment, and reflecting the value that our community places on our unique and beautiful surroundings.

Very truly yours,
David F. Underwood, Ph.D.
Village President